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Thanksgiving Events on November 23 & 24, 2023

Join us for Thanksgiving in Helsinki. These events are all about meeting friends, sports, and eating heartily - all of which are great ways to survive the dark winter months!
See the itinerary here

Signing up

This event is completely optional for you to attend. Check the program and the instructions for accommodation and travel through carefully and remember to sign up by November 2!  You can choose to sign up for either some or for all of the events. One night is covered for those of you who will come from outside of the Helsinki metropolitan area, and who will attend at least the potluck dinner on Thursday evening.

Please note that the visits to the Fazer Visitor Center and Parliament House can only accommodate a limited amount of people. Therefore, it is imperative that everyone who is coming is registered – and that everyone who is registered will be attending.

Activities and accommodation cannot be guaranteed if you don't sign up by the deadline.

The registration will be on first come, first served basis.

Family Participation

This is a family friendly event. Please note that the visits to the Fazer Experience Visitor Center and Parliament House are primarily for the grantees due to the limited space. If there are family members interested in participating and room available, family members can join in the order of registration.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Maija at [email protected].