29 June 2022

Summer Greetings from the Fulbright Finland Foundation!

A person sitting on a chair on a pier during a summer evening. There is a forest behind the lake and the sky has colors of orange, blue, and purple. It says "Summer greetings!" on the upper left corner and Fulbright Finland Foundation on the lower left corner.

This past academic year, as many as 138 grantees participated in the Fulbright Finland Foundation's exchange programs: 56 grantees from Finland, and 82 from the U.S. And thousands were reached by our other services both in Finland and in the U.S. As always, none of this would be possible without the unwavering support from our partners, sponsors, and alumni. Thank you for your continuous support and dedication!

The Fulbright Finland Foundation office will be closed on July 11-29, 2022.

We send you our best wishes for the summer season!