People working together and creating new institutional partnerships.

Fulbright Finland Travel Grants for Institutional Partnership Building

The Fulbright Finland Travel Grants for Institutional Partnership Building are short-term travel grants for higher education representatives from Finland to travel to the U.S. for a minimum of one week and a maximum of three months to initiate or advance long-term institutional partnerships between the candidate’s Finnish home institution and U.S. host institution.
The competition for visits in 2024 closed on January 29, 2024!

Purpose of the Grant Program

The Fulbright Finland Travel Grants for Institutional Partnership Building are short-term travel grants for higher education representatives from Finland (e.g. administrators and faculty) to travel to the U.S. to initiate or advance long-term institutional partnerships between the candidate’s Finnish home institution and U.S. host institution (e.g. student/staff/faculty mobility, joint/dual degree programs, course/curriculum collaboration).

The visit may include, for example, making contacts, launching/piloting collaboration projects, negotiating and working out the details of collaboration agreements, or expanding existing collaboration to new areas. The primary purpose of the grant cannot be teaching or research (for teaching purposes a visa would be required). For research visits, please see the Fulbright Finland Travel Grants for Research Collaboration.

Applicants should also be prepared to share information about the Fulbright Finland Foundation grant opportunities at their home and host institutions.

The applicant is requested to elaborate on both of the above goals in the grant application.

Travel grants are meant for short-term visits to the U.S. and the maximum stay in the U.S. is three months due to visa regulations. The goals of the visit must be realistic in view of the proposed length of the visit. Please note that the grant is not awarded solely for attending a conference.

Background of the program

The Fulbright Finland Travel Grants for Institutional Partnership Building program was founded in 2018 in response to feedback from the higher education field to support the development of collaboration and mobility between Finnish and U.S. higher education institutions (HEIs).

In their feedback, Finnish higher education institutions proposed the founding of a travel grant for university representatives, including staff, specifically for the purpose of meeting in person to negotiate and work out the details of partnerships. According to the HEIs, such opportunities have been very limited.

Finnish HEIs also noted that administrators, students, teachers and researchers on the departmental level at Finnish HEIs are not yet adequately familiar with Fulbright Finland Foundation grant opportunities. On the departmental level there is not enough familiarity with the programs available for U.S. academia to visit Finnish universities or opportunities provided for Finnish scholars and researchers to visit U.S. institutions, and for this reason Finnish institutions may miss out on important opportunities.

This travel grant has been designed specifically to respond to the above feedback from Finnish institutions.


  • Grant:
    • Grant is meant for travel expenses (travel costs between Finland and the host city and accommodation costs).
    • Exact grant amount is determined on the basis of the application and the total grant can range up to 4000 euros.
    • Applicant should be prepared to cover all other costs for the visit by other means.
  • Support services and additional benefits:
    • Personal advising services throughout the process provided by the Fulbright Finland Foundation in Helsinki.
    • Orientation training to the U.S. culture, higher education system, and details for the upcoming visit. The training includes online materials and an orientation day in Helsinki.
    • Access to local alumni support networks in Finland and in the U.S.

Support for Grantees with Disabilities

Extra funding support is available for grantees with disabilities. If you have a disability that would cause additional costs for the grant term, contact the Foundation to discuss reasonable accommodations. Send your self-assessment with a description of the disability and the specific accommodations requested to the Foundation ([email protected]) by the grant application deadline.

Please note that disclosing the need for disability accommodation does not affect the review and selection process.


Higher education representatives (e.g. administrators and faculty) in Finland are eligible to apply.

  • Citizenship: Applicants do not need to be Finnish citizens.
  • Grant period: Grantees must start their visit in the U.S. within the same calendar year the grant has been awarded, and the first possible departure date is after the Fulbright Finland Pre-Departure Orientation Day in May. Grantees must return to Finland after the travel grant visit.
  • Previous grants:
    • Former Fulbright Finland Foundation grantees and staff are ineligible to apply for this grant. (This includes all years of programs and operation since 1949.)
    • A recipient of a Fulbright Finland Travel Grant for Institutional Partnership Building is eligible to apply for another Fulbright Finland Foundation grant one year after the date of completion of the travel grant.

Travel grants are awarded for individual applicants who have been identified as suitable representatives to work on the partnership by their home institutions. Travel grants cannot be awarded for groups.

Grantees with Finnish citizenship should be able to travel to the U.S. under the visa waiver program if the purpose and content of the visit are as described above. Citizens of countries that are not part of the visa waiver program need a Business (B1) visa.

How to Apply?

Please submit the completed application form as well as all the required supplements here by the application deadline.

Documents which are required to be included in the application:

  • Application form
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • U.S. host institution invitation letter
  • Home university recommendation letter is to be uploaded by the recommender via this link by the application deadline.
    • In addition to evaluating your professional work, the recommendation should describe the potential for collaboration between the home and host institution and why this visit would be beneficial for the home institution. The recommendation should also describe the suitability of the applicant for the role of being an agent and ambassador of their host institution, Finland, and the Fulbright Finland Foundation.
    • The recommendation can be, for example, from the Dean of the Faculty, Head of Department, or other as appropriate.
The applicant is responsible for saving all the required attachments in the application system by the deadline.

Evaluation criteria

The applications are evaluated according to the evaluation criteria set by the Fulbright Finland Foundation Board, and the interviews focus on the following attributes. The Foundation does not provide feedback on individual applications, their review process, or on any single grant decision.



Application deadlineJanuary 29, 2024 
Interviews (via Teams)March 7, 2024
Selection results publishedMid-March 2024
Compulsory Pre-Departure Orientation Day in HelsinkiMay 13, 2024 (full day)
Earliest possible starting date of the grant periodAfter the Orientation Day

The grantees are required to submit a final report to the Fulbright Finland Foundation within 14 days upon the completion of the visit. The Fulbright Finland Foundation will also send a follow-up inquiry one year after the visit, regarding continuing home and host institution collaboration and Fulbright Finland information sharing at the Finnish home institution.


What is the Fulbright Finland Foundation?

The Fulbright Finland Foundation is a private, independent, not-for-profit organization based in Helsinki, Finland. The Foundation’s aim is

  • to promote a wider exchange of knowledge and professional talents through educational contacts between Finland and the United States, and
  • to support the internationalization of education and research in Finland, and help U.S. and Finnish institutions create linkages.

What Makes the Fulbright Finland Foundation Programs Unique?

  • In addition to the grant, the Fulbright Finland Foundation offers the grantees several additional benefits and free support services, as well as an access to a global, multi-professional network.
  • We are looking for applicants who want to impact the future and to make a difference – applicants who want to facilitate positive change, develop and advance their own profession or discipline, and find solutions to national and international challenges in their field.
  • The grantees also act as ambassadors for the Fulbright Finland Foundation, their home country, and their home organization and, in this way, do their part in sharing their home country and culture and contributing to the relations between Finland and the U.S.